Wednesday, March 07, 2007

10th March - Networking Basics

We are delighted to bring to the members of the Society, TSM on

N e t w o r k i n g B a s i c s (Part 1)

on Saturday, 10th March 2007 at 5pm.

at 5th Floor Conf Room,
CommVault Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Ashoka Janardhan Chambers
S.P. Road, Begumpet

The talk will be delivered by Mr. C. Naveen from Nokia Enterprise (India) Pvt.
Ltd. Mr. Naveen is a networking specialist and works with a variety of networking
devices and technologies.

Here is what Mr. Naveen will cover during the course of his 3hr talk.
There will also be a small demo lab setup for this session.

Basics of Networking

Introduction to TCP/IP protocol
how it is started
what protocols it covers
TCP/IP (layers)

Internet Protocol
how L4 protocols (tcp, udp) uses IP to send data to the destination
packet details

IP Routing & ICMP

mechanism working of udp
how udp is used by applications

Overview of Routers, Switches and Hubs
IP Addressing
Subnetting, Static Subnetting
and VLSM(variable length subnet mask
ifconfig command

Tools and Utilities

Services & Configuration

Internet super server
design, setup and configuration

All the members are cordially invited to attend this hands-on informative session and benefit from it.

This is a FREE event.

You are requested to kindly reach the venue 10 min in advance to handle the security check. All the attendees are requested to kindly cooperate in this matter since the security has to
handle large number of visitors.

For assistance, please call the Society helpline :
+91 - 98482 37656
+91 - 99492 53753

Please forward this link to your friends and colleagues.

TWINCLING Society News & Editorial Team (TSNET)

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