Wednesday, March 16, 2005

twincling executive team attends IT conclave

The twincling society Executive team attended My Hyderabad My Destiny IT Conclave, at Taj Krishna today.

The event was unique as captains of the IT industry and the government policy makers came together to review the progress and develop vision for the future development of IT in Hyderabad and AP.

The innauguration was done by Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, Hon'ble CM of the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.

The event started off with keynote speeches by CEO of Satyam, Dell, Philips Software and STPI.

The high note of the day was "Bangalore vs Hyderabad" debate which drew in a lot of people and there was a vigorous but thoroughly enjoyable discussion.

The executive team members interacted with the MD and CEO of various IT companies, discussed the opensource value proposition, the opportunities for joint interaction and also chalked out the future plan of action.

Panel discussions were undertaken about the infrastructure, HR and quality of manpower. The participants were executive members from CA, Cognizant, IT Sec, Microsoft and principals from the various institutes.

The President of twincling society, Mr. Sasidhar Kalagara interacted with Mr. Naidu, Mr. Mohanty (IT Secretary) and Mr. SubbaRao G. (State CIO) and explained the opensource vision at twincling society and the contributions that it is making.

The valedictory address was given by Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu, ex-CM and leader of the Opposition.

The event was well attended and media report on the event can be read at

Monday, March 14, 2005

twincling conducts Linux seminar at BRECW

The twincling team conducted Linux seminar at BRECW.

Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women is a reputed college offering courses courses in various streams of engineering and IT. The college has about 2000 students on its rolls and provides good lab facilities.

The entire twincling team was received by the Head of Dept, CSE and introduced to Prof. S. R. Ramaswamy, principal of the college. Prof. Ramaswamy talked about his vision for the college, industry focussed course content and soft skills.

The seminar was held in the main Seminar Room and was attended by about 140 students.

The keynote talk titled 'The Art of the OpenSource' was delivered by Ms. Namita Iyer. She introduced the concept of opensource software and highlighted the evolution and contribution of leaders like Eric S. Raymond, Bruce Perens, Brian Behlendorf among others.

She talked about the 'Bazaar model' of development for Linux kernel. He highlighted the "category killer" products like Linux kernel, MySQL database, Apache httpd and BIND.

She mentioned some of the reasons for the success of opensource software:
. availability
. timescale
. product features
. talented software developers
. peer review
. adoption by researchers in diverse fields

She also brought to notice, the factors that can cause the failure of projects:
. technical (lack of code modularity, portability)
. management (lack of standards, no risk assessment, no measurable goals, bad coordination)
. resource availability (nobody to do mundane tasks like doc, testing, field support, i18n, l10n)
. too many demands and too few developers
. discontinuation of the project

Some of the above mentioned points presented a balance view of the situation at hand.

There was visible interest among the students and they raised interesting queries about opensource software security, development and vulnerability fixes. This was a very pleasing discussion since the students are aware of some of the core issues.

Sasidhar Kalagara delivered a talk on 'LAMP platform' and 'PHP5'. He highlighted the importance of service oriented architectures for todays marketplace. The key components of the L:Linux A:pache M:ySQL P:HP platform were highlighted and technical details were provided.

Sasi, involved the audience by pointing out feature comparisons between ASP, JSP, ColdFusion and LAMP/PHP technologies. He discussed PHP arrays construct in detail. He built up the interest of the audience to introduce them to PHP5 which has the following interesting features:
. excellent support for OOP
. completely rewritten MySQL extension
. interoperable XML tools (SimpleXML)
. Embedded database with SQLite
. Exception handling
. Iterators
. First class SOAP implementation

Some of the student sought clarifications on PHP vs ASP and MySQL vs Oracle in terms of technology, features and job opportunities.

A vote of thanks was tendered towards the close of seminar. After the seminar the speakers interacted with the students and addressed their queries. Overall it was a well attended and interactive seminar.

The twincling executive committee puts on record and tenders thanks to Mr. G. Ravinder Reddy and H.O.D. CSE Dept for working together to organize the event and the required infrastructure.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

a gentle introduction to LAMP


Here is a gentle introduction to LAMP
(L:inux A:pache M:ySQL P:HP), P:ython or P:erl.

LAMP provides a web services delivery infrastructure
wherein the developer can build business services that solve
specific problems.

For starters,

L:inux system provides a robust and stable base.
It also has built-in firewall and networking capabilities

A:pache is a pre-forking Web Server that implements the
HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and CGI specs very closely.

It runs as a service (daemon) httpd whose service lifecycle
can be controlled by '/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd' script.

The functionality is configured in a conf(iguration) file
referred to as /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

It is shipped with a manual.

Relevant links are:

M:ySQL is high-performance relational database engine that implements
the SQL-92 std and also adds some of its extensions.

It runs as a service (daemon) mysqld whose service lifecycle
can be controlled by '/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld' script.

A mysql client (mysql) is installed along with the server which
provides a shell like interface to mysql engine.

The conf(iguration) settings of MySQL are specified in the
'/etc/my.cnf' file.

It is shipped with a manual.

Relevant links are:

P:HP is a C-like server-side scripting language that can be used to
create HTML-embedded dynamic web pages.

PHP is configured as a CGI module for security reasons and its
complete configuration settings can be specifed in the
'/etc/php.ini' file.

It is shipped with a manual.

Relevant links are:

Since most dynamic websites are data-driven, there is a need for a
well-defined 'data-access' interface that is usable in the server-side script.

'php-mysql' database interface is one such interface that provides PHP language bindings and translation. It modelled very closely around
the MySQL C api.

To read some interesting articles on LAMP, please visit

Hope the details above will help the interested folks get interested
in LAMP and also explore the technology.

Should you have any queries, please post them on twincling list.