Monday, December 10, 2007

Open Source RoundUp 2007 - Linux For You (LFY) Magazine

Dear Friends,

The Society in association with Linux For You (LFY) magazine has brought out a special subscription offer for the members and Open Source enthusiasts.

Now, you can save upto 50% subscription on LFY magazine, when you subscribe using the form available during Open Source RoundUp 2007.

Subscription amount details are available at

Attendees can also pay by cheque. You need to add INR 50 for non-Delhi cheque.

You can also win yourself past issue of the LFY magazine. How ? That would be a pleasant surprise.

Linux For You (LFY) is a wonderful and informative magazine that focusses on Open Source software. Please visit the LFY website at

So friends, please spread the word around about LFY magazine among your friends and colleagues.

News & Editorial Team.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Open Source RoundUp 2007 - Career Networking, Resume drop box

Dear Friends,

The community does well, when its members are also doing well !

Todays student is tomorrow's engineer and todays engineer is tomorrow's decision maker.

If the engineers and the decision makers are developing Open Source software or developing products that use Open Source software, then there are opportunities for growth and contribution for the members of the community.

This thought is central to Career Networking forum and Resume drop box facility that has been organized for Open Source RoundUp 2007.

Many of the speakers and companies have elicited interest in Open Source technology skills.

Please see the focus areas:
. Ajax (jquery, dojo)
. Web 2.0
. L.A.M.P.
. C / Device drivers
. C++ / STL
. PERL / system automation
. Ruby / Rails
. JEE / JBoss / EJB
. Servlets / Tomcat

In addition to domain/tech interest/expertise, good problem solving skills are required.

This weekend may be a good time to review your resume and highlight the relevant points. Please feel free to submit a copy of your resume with focus area mentioned on the top, to the Career Forum coordinator.

For any clarfications please call helpline on +91-98482 37656 or +91-98492 53753

Registration is FREE of charge, and so make sure that you register for the conference today at

All the best.

News & Editorial Team.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Open Source RoundUp 2007


The Annual Open Source event for the Open Source community in Hyderabad.
Sat, 15 Dec @ 4:30pm at Floor 5 Hall

Open Source RoundUp 2007 is the event that brings together professionals and practitioners with focus on Open Source in projects, product development, project management, test platforms, embedded systems, kernel engineering, bio sciences and social networking.

Discussing trends, core issues in Open Source, what are the opportunities and the challenges, will be professionals from organizations like Satyam, Accenture, Tanla, Nokia, AppLabs, CDAC, Pramati, Ocimum Biosolutions and CommVault.

The technical event includes year end party, goodies for attendees and career networking forum with Resume drop box, to facilitate professionals and students seeking career opportunities in specific technologies.